Life Style

Instructions To Erase BetterHelp Record


Why you should erase your BetterHelp account:

There are a couple of justifications for why you should erase your BetterHelp account. For instance, you might have completed treatment and never again need to utilize the help. On the other hand, you might have been discontent with the assistance and need to drop your participation. Whatever the explanation, it means a lot to know how to erase your record.

Instructions to erase your BetterHelp account:

To erase your BetterHelp account, follow these means:

Sign in to your BetterHelp account.

Click your profile picture in the upper right corner page.

Click on “Record settings”.

Look down to the lower part of the page and snap on “Erase Account.”

Click on “Affirm” to erase your record.

 Significant things to remember while erasing your BetterHelp account:

There are a couple of significant things to remember while erasing your BetterHelp account:

Assuming you are presently getting treatment from Better Help, you should drop your participation before you can erase your record. To drop your enrollment, go to “Installment Settings” in your record settings and snap on “Drop participation.”

Assuming you have any remaining installments, you should pay them before you can erase your record.

If you are, as of now, in the center of a treatment meeting, you should finish the meeting before you can erase your record.

On the off chance that you have any different kinds of feedback about erasing your record, you can contact BetterHelp client service.

The most effective method to erase your BetterHelp account information:

Whenever you have erased your BetterHelp account, the entirety of your own data and meeting notes will be forever erased. You can not recover your record or any of your information.

In any case, to erase your BetterHelp account information and yet at the same time need to keep your treatment notes, you can demand a duplicate of your notes before you erase your record. To demand a duplicate of your notes, contact Better Help client service.

Options in contrast to BetterHelp:

On the off chance that you are searching for an option in contrast to BetterHelp, there are various other web-based treatment administrations accessible. The following are a couple of famous choices:

Talk space

7 Cups of Tea

E Therapy

My Therapist


When picking a web-based treatment administration, taking into account your singular necessities and preferences is significant. A few elements to consider incorporate the expense of the help, the sort of treatment offered, and the capabilities of the specialists.


Erasing your BetterHelp account is a basic cycle, yet there are a couple of significant things to remember. If you are, as of now, getting treatment from Better Help, you should drop your enrollment before you can erase your record. You will likewise have to pay any remaining installments and complete any ongoing treatment meetings.

Whenever you erase your record, the entirety of your own data and meeting notes will always be erased. Notwithstanding, you can demand a duplicate of your treatment notes before you erase your record.

If you are searching for an option in contrast to Better Help, there are various other web-based treatment administrations accessible. When picking an internet-based treatment administration, taking into account your singular necessities and preferences is significant.


What occurs on the off chance that I drop my BetterHelp enrollment?

Ans: Assuming that you drop your Better Help enrollment, you can in any case get to everything until the ongoing payroll interval is finished, not at all like erasing your profile, where you will lose it right away.

Does it cost cash to drop a meeting on BetterHelp?

Ans: It won’t cost cash to drop your BetterHelp account, assuming you do it with somewhere around 24 hours ‘ notice. Check with your specialist on Better Help, no doubt.

How would I freeze my BetterHelp account?

Ans: You can’t free your BetterHelp account; in any case, you can stop it.

Might you at any point return to BetterHelp on the off chance that you drop?

Ans: Indeed, you can reactivate your membership when you are prepared to return.

Might I, at any point, stop my treatment?

Ans: Indeed, you can stop your treatment season whenever you remember to get individual and online treatment.

Might you at any point drop Better Help whenever?

Ans: Indeed, you can drop Better Help whenever.

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